WordPress News

Site Sensor website monitoring from Copyblogger

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Brian Krogsgard
Copyblogger media, the partner/parent company of well-known WordPress brand StudioPress, has released a new service called Site Monitor. It monitors your website for downtime, offers update monitoring for WordPress sites, plenty of built in notification methods. Looks pretty nice, with…


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Brian Krogsgard
A new hosted platform has arrived called, ChurchPr.es. WP Daily goes into more detail of their setup, but I'm a bit surprised they are calling it hosting. I'd think they'd market themselves as website providers. Either way, surely just one of many…

Tools for growth at WordPress.com

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Brian Krogsgard
Pete Davies is a growth engineer for WordPress.com. That basically means he uses many tools to help analyze data so they can better market the platform for more people. This post on Pete's personal blog is a fantastic description of…

How websites are making money

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Brian Krogsgard
Here's a really interesting slide deck from Flippa's operations manager analyzing how websites are making money. He used 8,000 Flippa sold sites as examples. Toward the end, he notes an 8% growth for WordPress' marketshare of the CMS driven sites sold in…

gdgt’s Acquisition Forces Us to Up Our Game

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Brian Krogsgard
In an interview, gdgt co-founder Ryan Block hints that his team was hired at AOL for "technology", not content. As more media orgs like AOL continue to choose in-house platforms, what can WordPress developers do to help keep WP relevant…

How to charge clients more and grow an agency

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt Medeiros has been doing a number of good video interviews on his site, Matt Report. His latest is with Jose Cabeller, and they discuss how to grow your web consulting business. They key seems to be focusing on your…

A trend in theme shops closing affiliate programs

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Brian Krogsgard
Jonathan Dingman poses interesting questions on his WP Force blog. Why do WordPress theme companies struggle with so much fraud compared to other industries? And I'd rephrase his second question just a bit - as I think it's obviously a…

Build a business without the marketplace

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Brian Krogsgard
Drew Strojny, of Theme Foundry, describes how people should not be afraid to try selling themes on their own, and be willing to forgo the marketplace. He also mentions Memberful as an easy way to ease the technical burdens of…

The Best Time to Buy is Now

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Brian Krogsgard
A low-price guarantee where you refund the difference for customers who purchased within 30 days of a promotion may actually increase sales.

Customer happiness reports

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Brian Krogsgard
I've admired WooThemes' openness as long as I've been reading their blog. Last week, Adii Pienaar laid out exactly how WooTheme's transition to ZenDesk support has gone, including their number of tickets, response times, and more. As a WooThemes customer…

Creating the Legalities of a WordPress Business

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Brian Krogsgard
In the process of setting up a legal entity for our upcoming business launch, I reached out to several people seeking advice on how best to create our business structure. I’m really grateful for the willingness of everyone to share…

Non-Breaking Business

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Brian Krogsgard
This morning, I listened to the latest episode of the Non-Breaking Space podcast. Non-Breaking space is one of my favorites, and this episode they had on Gene Crawford and Carl Smith to talk about web businesses. It's not directly related…

WordPress, the enterprise, and security

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Brian Krogsgard
Here's an excellent article from one of the top sources in the world on WordPress and web security. Tony chimes in on the challenges that lay ahead for WordPress as it ventures further into the world of the enterprise. His…

Memberful wants to help you sell stuff

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Brian Krogsgard
Memberful is a project by Drew Strojny and the folks at The Theme Foundry. It's not on WordPress, but it will have easy integrations built in. The Theme Foundry has been using it for over a year to process payments.…

Envato is reviewing their licensing

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Brian Krogsgard
Collis Ta'eed has posted on WP Daily again, to say that Envato is doing a survey of their authors to gauge interest in a 100% GPL option for sellers. I can't imagine how Collis could've written this post in a…
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