WordPress News

WordPress 4.4, “Clifford”, released

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 4.4, “Clifford”, has been released. Clifford includes infrastructure for the WordPress REST API, taxonomy and comment improvements, as well as the new Twenty Sixteen default theme, the ability to embed posts anywhere, and much more.

WordPress 4.3, “Billie”, released

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 4.3, "Billie", has been released. Billie includes four major user-facing features that most website owners will experience on a semi-regular basis, and many other enhancements, bug fixes, and developer features.

The trojan emoji

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Andrew Nacin, lead developer of WordPress, just finished a talk at Loopconf, where he talked about a series of related WordPress security fixes that spanned two years, with the final fix included into WordPress core under the guise of emoji support.

The WordPress REST API

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The WordPress REST API is a huge initiative and feature plugin being developed for the core WordPress project. But it can be a bit confusing if you don't know much about it yet. Let's discuss what this project is, why it's important, and how to get involved.

WordPress lead developer changes

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Yesterday and today there has been some significant news for the WordPress project. We now have two new lead developers, and two long-time leads are stepping down after outstanding tenures assisting with steering the ship.

WordPress 4.1, “Dinah”

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 4.1, "Dinah", has just been released. WordPress 4.1 is the result of months of work and includes a number of excellent new features. WordPress 4.1 was led by John Blackbourn, who did an outstanding job. Two hundred and eighty three…

Contribution as culture

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
This post spends a lot of time analyzing and referencing two other blog posts. Excuse me for that, but also be sure to read both, as they are relevant for this post and also interesting in their own right. Matt…

Post formats are slowly dying, and that’s okay

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Brian Krogsgard
Post formats were introduced in WordPress 3.1. They were, and still are, little more than an organizational feature that allows themes to support ten custom content formats such as asides, links, quotes, video, and audio. They are just a taxonomy…

WordPress 3.9, “Smith”

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.9, "Smith", has just been released. It is named after James Oscar "Jimmy" Smith. WordPress 3.9 is the hard result of hard work from 267 contributors. The WordPress 3.9 release was led by Andrew Nacin and Co-led by Mike…

WordPress 3.8.3 fixes a bug with “Quick Draft”

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Travis Northcutt
Last week's 3.8.2 security release introduced a bug where drafts written with the Quick Draft tool in the dashboard were not saved. That bug is fixed with today's 3.8.3 release. What's really interesting about this release is that not only is…
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