WordPress News


Twenty Thirteen hits WordPress.com

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Brian Krogsgard
Twenty Thirteen is officially available on WordPress.com now. This is very interesting to me, as it leads me to believe the new functions around post formats will remain in 3.6, even if the new UI does not. Designed by Joen Asmussen, Twenty…

Capsule, the developer’s code journal

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Crowd Favorite has released a WordPress app called Capsule. It's a journal of sorts for developers, that enables storing code snippets, notes, and much more. The interface is pretty nice. I look forward to seeing how people use this. It's…

ZippyKid partners with Google PageSpeed

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
ZippyKid has partnered with Google PageSpeed to "automatically apply web performance best practices" to their WordPress sites. The test cases look pretty promising.

Pro version of WP Migrate DB released

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The free WP Migrate DB allows you to export your database, does a find and replace on URLs and file paths (handles serialized data), then allows you to save it to your computer. The pro version includes these features and…

Handling recurring content in WordPress theme development

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Recurring content is present in just about all WordPress themes, and handling it properly is important to keep themes lean, extensible and scalable. So what’s the right approach for handling recurring content in different situations?
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