WordPress News


Ain’t nobody got time for spam

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Here's a bunch of keywords you can sift through and use for your comment blacklists. Some of these look pretty agressive (especially for a blog like this where we legit use words like blog and SEO), but all in all,…

Plugins vs themes developer chat

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I took part in a chat yesterday to discuss some of the nitty gritty details around splitting code between plugins and themes. Aaron Holbrook kindly shepherded us together and hosted. There were ten or so of us in and out,…

A WordPress news resurgence

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Ben Gillbanks reflects on the state of "WordPress news" in the community. I have much I'd like to say on this subject. Alas, time.

The periodic table of WordPress plugins

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
This periodic table formatted list of the most downloaded plugins is interesting. That doesn't mean I have to know why they made it. But it's fun to look at :) Even if it's slightly depressing how popular some of these…

Envato is reviewing their licensing

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Collis Ta'eed has posted on WP Daily again, to say that Envato is doing a survey of their authors to gauge interest in a 100% GPL option for sellers. I can't imagine how Collis could've written this post in a…

Oh Yeah, and the P is Capitalized

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress is spelled with a capital “P”. It’s not Wordpress, or wordpress, or Word Press. It’s WordPress. I assume that sentence was included on the speakers page as a way of saying “If you intend to speak at this WordCamp,…

What is the WordPress Foundation?

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
What is the WordPress Foundation, and who is in charge? These are the questions asked in this article - questions we should all be asking as the foundation wields its power without transparency.

Leaders and the greater good

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
What is leading when it comes to open source? How much transparency does a project like WordPress need and what is the state of the word right now?

I thought I knew about responsive design

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I thought I knew a lot about responsive design, but I learned a ton in this post by Paul Stamatiou. He recently redesigned his blog, and he goes into great length into how he did it, and what he learned.…
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