Automating i18n in WordPress themes

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Brady Vercher
According to the Polygots Make blog, WordPress is used all over the world and in many different languages. To put that in perspective, more than a third of existing WordPress installations are non-English and in his keynote at WordCamp Seattle,…

Aesop, a Medium-esque “story engine” for WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Aesop is a self-described "story engine" for WordPress. The plugin boasts "components designed for rich storytelling experiences." Basically, it creates an admin interface that allows a site owner to create interactive stories, similar to those popularized by projects like Medium…

The ins and outs of code blocks in WordPress content

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Brian Krogsgard
Chris Coyier has done a nice job going through the various considerations to make when posting code in WordPress content. He covers using <pre> and <code> tags in the WordPress editor directly, using Markdown and Github flavored Markdown, and third…

It’s time for a simpler default WordPress theme

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Brian Krogsgard
Konstantin Obenland has been involved with the development of the last three default WordPress themes. In this post, he makes a great case for simplifying the default theme with Twenty Fifteen; and he goes as far as advocating simply using…

Make your own WordPress admin themes

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Brian Krogsgard
As I noted in my feature post on WordPress 3.8, the new WordPress build tools (using Grunt) and the port of the admin CSS to Sass make it much easier for WordPress core to make new admin themes. Well, with…

WordPress responsive navigation options

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Brian Krogsgard
Navigation is one of the most challenging battles for doing responsive design well. To preface this article, I highly recommend you study Brad Frost's collections of responsive navigation patterns and complex responsive navigation patterns. In this post, I'll cover two…

Social navigation menu with Genericons

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Brian Krogsgard
Justin Tadlock walks you through creating a menu for your social networks, making use of CSS attribute selectors. He shows you how to do it all with the Genericons icon font. This is actually part two, but you can check…

What’s your WordPress job title?

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Brian Krogsgard
Job titles can be confusing. If you've ever tried to hire a WordPress consultant to build you a website, or you've had inquiries about your services, you've likely encountered some level of confusion trying to decipher what an individual (or…

Write Simple CSS in Plugins

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Pippin Williamson
One of the philosophies of plugin development that I believe in very strongly is that CSS should be kept simple and easy to override.

Force CSS changes to bust browser cache

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Brian Krogsgard
This is an old one, but still a great solution for busting browser cache any time you update your theme stylesheet. Mark Jaquith shows how to easily wrap your stylesheet with filemtime, a PHP function that returns the time a…

How to Make Fields Read Only with Gravity Forms

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Brian Krogsgard
Using this snippet, you can make Gravity Forms fields read only, or greyed out, by simply applying a CSS class to the field, thus disabling user edits to the field: useful for displaying information.
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