
Twenty Seventeen is 🔥

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Brian Krogsgard
I have not been stunned -- in a positive way -- about a default WordPress theme design preview since Twenty Twelve. I haven't had a major beef with any of the other default themes, but I haven't been really wowed. Twenty Ten…

Currently the WordPress customizer provides media…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Currently the WordPress customizer provides media controls that only allow one image to be selected. If multiple images are needed, each one of them would need to have a separate control and setting created statically. The Customize Image Gallery Control…

WordCamp Europe takeaways

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
After a whirlwind WordCamp Europe, I've had some time to sit back and consider some of the common conversational threads. When a big group of people gets together in the WordPress space, you can start to identify what folks are…

Helen Hou-SandĂ­ to lead 4.7, and committers for 4.6 announced

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Brian Krogsgard

Matt Mullenweg announced that he is not going to lead WordPress 4.7 anymore, "due to some unexpected constraints on my time this year." Helen Hou-Sandí -- a WordPress Lead Developer -- will take the lead for 4.7. Her last tenure as…

Notes from a recent meeting of…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Notes from a recent meeting of the Theme Review Team reflect a discussion of what methods for upselling are currently allowed in the theme repo. A majority involved in the discussion so far are in favor of enacting some restrictions, which…

  The WordPress 4.6 roadmap for…

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  The WordPress 4.6 roadmap for the Customizer is being formed, and here's a sneak peak. Features being considered are basic content authorship in the Customizer and Customizer Transactions, which would allow revisions to changes in the Customizer, among other perks.…

WPTavern highlights the new Customize Snapshots plugin…

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WPTavern highlights the new Customize Snapshots plugin that lets you draft and preview customizer states and then be able to share those states via a private URL. I like the concept of making customizer customizations more collaborative and can't wait to…

Konstantin Obenland has written up exactly…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Konstantin Obenland has written up exactly how to make use of the new Custom Logo feature in WordPress. I'm really pleased to see this in the customizer so themes can quit doing this a million different ways. It requires add_theme_support()…

Selective refresh paves a path for frontend editing

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

The selective refresh feature plugin for the customizer makes for a better customizer experience. Weston Ruter summarized the feature on Make Core, and describes its functionality in depth. But also hints at what it makes possible. Currently, postMessage enables live…

If you want to understand how…

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If you want to understand how to bridge the gap between the REST API and the Customizer, Weston Ruter has you covered. With an incredibly detailed blog post and a sample plugin, you can get started taking advantage of manipulating…

WordPress security release, and 4.5 development kicks off

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
It was the first truly busy day in WordPress core land since the release of WordPress 4.4. Two big things happened: A maintenance and security update was released in WordPress 4.4.1, and the security component affected all versions back that can…

Features as plugins hit core for 4.4

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The WordPress 4.4 train is rolling and rolling fast still. oEmbed, Responsive Images, and the REST API infrastructure have all been committed to core. The links for the merge tickets are as follows: oEmbed, #32522 Responsive Images, #33641 REST API…
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