
Space, Assertiveness, Little Bets, and Love

Photo of author
Cory Miller
# The Importance of Space Michelle Frechette is on a much deserved vacation this week, but before she left she wrote this great reflection on the various aspects of getting appropriate space for yourself: ā€œIt's altogether easy to understand, andā€¦

Rethinking WordPress Products Pricing Models

Photo of author
Cory Miller
Jon Christopher wrote about how heā€™s rethinking the pricing model for his OrganizeWP product, and he got some good conversation going in Slack about it. Here's what he's doing: "licenses for updates and support will be sold for each majorā€¦

Don’t Go Alone and Burnout, the Book

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Cory Miller reflects on his Burnout and Recovery Journey, sharing the framework for understanding it and working through: to know youā€™re not alone, to help others think about their own journey, and ā€œmost importantly, to not go it alone.ā€ Checkā€¦
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