
Publish presentation announcements

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Brian Krogsgard
I'm really excited to finally announce the Post Status Publish presenters. There are twelve awesome folks (plus me) ready to share their knowledge with you. I have already said that I wanted to make Publish feel like the hallway track,…

The latest episode of How I…

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Brian Krogsgard

The latest episode of How I Built It features Cory Miller talking about various iThemes products and the philosophies that go into those products. And Joe also interviewed Carrie Dils, who is always so full of knowledge; she shares her…

ReviewSignal’s annual WordPress hosting results takeaways

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Brian Krogsgard
Kevin Ohashi does the best WordPress hosting technical analysis out there. He's just come out with his 2016 benchmarks, which are the culmination of months of testing twenty six companies, across six price tiers, with five different methodologies. In addition…

I found Eric Holscher thoughts on…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

I found Eric Holscher thoughts on funding open source with marketing money to be insightful. Eric is involved in Read The Docs, a community supported site that hosts documentation for projects, and he relates how he is building an advertising…

Congratulations to Ninja Forms for their major…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Congratulations to Ninja Forms for their major release, version 3 (they annoyingly but cleverly named it "THREE" in all caps). It's a complete rewrite of the interface and codebase, built with Backbone, Underscore, and Marionette, along with using an interesting front-end templating system.…

Automattic launched to share internal data…

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Brian Krogsgard

Automattic launched to share internal data analysis, and as another marketing opportunity for the new TLD. Data for Breakfast will feature posts about our data stack, trends in usage, and whatever currently tickles our data fancy. We’re data scientists…

Jetpack 4.3 to include React-based settings, further integrated marketing

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Brian Krogsgard

Jetpack 4.3 Beta was announced today, and includes a new React-driven interface, as well as more integrated marketing pitches for the apps and paid upgrades. The new interface is an improvement, but there are several changes functionally. One I noticed…

Using Kickstarter to fund open source

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Daniel Bachhuber
Successfully crowdfunding open source development is difficult, but not impossible. Here are some of the lessons I took away from my Kickstarter project, "A more RESTful WP-CLI."

Joost de Valk was interviewed on…

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Brian Krogsgard

Joost de Valk was interviewed on the Marketing Nerds podcast, talking about SEO (shocker!) and WordPress plugins. The podcast is only 30 minutes long, so it's a quick investment. I rarely get to hear Joost on any podcast, so I…

Matt Medeiros has new plugin-focused site called PluginTut,…

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Matt Medeiros has new plugin-focused site called PluginTut, and the launch seems to have gone well. It recently posed this in-depth look at the Kanban plugin which creates a dashboard to manage content marketing for a site. Related: the author of the…

Trademarks, Woo, and you

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Brian Krogsgard
There's been talk lately about Automattic enforcing trademarks for the term "Woo", by sending takedown notices to websites utilizing the term in their domains and offering services or products associated with WooCommerce. Automattic has been sending letters, primarily to sites…

Thoughts on WooCommerce Connect

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Brian Krogsgard

Last week, Automattic introduced WooCommerce Connect, a Jetpack-esque suite of tools for WooCommerce, where modules could utilize the processing power of to run particular elements of eCommerce websites. WooCommerce Connect requires Jetpack, and therefore also a account, in…

A new “Get WordPress” landing page is in the works

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Brian Krogsgard
A couple of months ago, Mark Uraine described the thinking behind what is now likely to be a new landing page at For quite a while now, the meta team has been interested in improving the download and mobile pages…

Follow-up on Server Pilot

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Brian Krogsgard
I talked to Justin Samuel, the CEO of Server Pilot, on the phone today, to do a bit of follow-up after my last post. I'm still intrigued by Server Pilot, which I see as unique in our space right now,…
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