Year: 2022

An Operating System for the Web

What if WordPress, growing as an operating system for the web, spawns distributions and spins, like Linux? What do nine years of Jetpack teach us about Automattic and WordPress — the project and the dot-com? Rethinking how we think about SaaS, hosting, and the WordPress ecosystem…

Promoting WordCamps, GDPR and Google Fonts, Invalid Reviews, 5FTF, and the Admin UX

How should WordCamps be promoted on official WordPress channels? • How to comply with the GDPR when you’re using Google Fonts. • What’s the deal with invalid plugin/theme reviews? Mika Epstein explains. • Important decisions in The Five for the Future GitHub repo. • Thinking through the Admin UX.

Today in WordCamp History

Starting today and every day for the next year, I’ll be sharing 1-4 photos that appear on that day from the WP events I was at. I’ll tag the location and people there as well as I can. You can follow on Twitter @KitchensinkWP or at

Not Dead Yet! Just Mostly Dead?

Gutenberg 13.4 • Learning FSE sooner rather than later • Gutenberg in Tumblr and Day One • WordCamps and the vitality of the WordPress community • AUS WordPress community only mostly dead? • Get SEO Schema graphs • Web font loading geek out • PHP is 28! • PHP namespaces and autoloaders • You can work anywhere… why not Cleveland? • North Commerce — faster than the rest? • and more…

WooCommerce Function of the Week: woocommerce_wp_text_input

Learn how to add custom fields to settings in WooCommerce meta boxes — and give back to WooCommerce when you find some code that can be improved.

There are times when you need to “mess” with meta boxes in the WooCommerce back end. Meta boxes are the draggable boxes you find in the product, order, and coupon edit pages.

WooCommerce meta boxes contain the current custom post type settings for your products. Think of the “regular price” — that’s a custom field you can find in the “Product Data” meta box in the “product” custom post type edit screen.

Today, we’ll study the woocommerce_wp_text_input function. It provides a neat way to generate an additional text input in case you need additional settings for your products.

For example, suppose you have a “regular price” and a “sale price” but you also want to have a “list price” or “msrp” — a manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). There’s two ways you could do this:

  • NOT the best way: You could write the MSRP into the HTML description field for every product yourself, but this locks the price as static text in the content where it really doesn’t belong. You might lose track of it or accidentally write over it, and you can’t reuse it on other products without doing the same thing.
  • The BEST way: Instead, you can use woocommerce_wp_text_input to quickly generate an input field on the back end with the right classes, name and id for the product. That means you can store the additional price in the database once the current post is saved and use it on other products.

As usual, we’ll study the WooCommerce core function code for woocommerce_wp_text_input in this tutorial, see where and why it’s used, and finally, we’ll cover a quick case study. Enjoy!

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How Do We Get There From Here?

Man Looking at a Map and Holding a Vintage Compass

Our WordPress Podcast and Video Picks for the Week of June 13 🎙️ JavaScript development journeys • Questions coming out of WCEU • The WordPress toolkit for podcasters • How newcomers and outsiders view WordPress • Are WordPress developers “real developers?” • Gutenber changes • Dave Martin on • A Gutenberg roadmap for WordPress 6.1.

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