WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Effective internal critique for projects

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Brian Krogsgard
Tanner Christensen is a product designer at Facebook, and while his post describes what he's learned about effectively holding design critique sessions, it's quite applicable to other areas of work. If you are in a team environment, adopting a clear and…

One year of the Post Status Club

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Brian Krogsgard
I'd like to share some details with you about the first full year of the Post Status Club. I like transparency, so I figured I'd lay out exactly what happened over the year, what went well, what didn't, and how…

David Hayes has done an excellent…

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David Hayes has done an excellent job giving a lay of the land of the JavaScript world, as it applies to WordPress developers. WP Shout also completed their hosting survey, and the results are out. The sample size is a…

PHP 5.6 support to be extended through 2018

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Brian Krogsgard
PHP has voted on a proposal to extend support for PHP 5.6 -- the most recent non-PHP-7 release -- through 2018. The vote is a great step for WordPress, as version 5.6 only has about 12% adoption still. PHP 5.6…

iThemes adding live, incremental backups to BackupBuddy

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Brian Krogsgard
iThemes has managed and supported BackupBuddy for about as long as any commercial plugin on the market. It's a cornerstone product for them, and it's done very well over the years. With BackupBuddy 7.0, they are adding live, incremental backups…

Followup to the Foundation and WordCamp article

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Brian Krogsgard
After the Foundation / new WordCamp organization article last week, I had some followup with Matt Mullenweg regarding several details. For one, the new organization will indeed be a subsidiary of the WordPress Foundation, and it will be a public…

Noel Tock has published his predictions…

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Noel Tock has published his predictions for WordPress in 2016. I like most of what he says, and just as importantly, I'm going to steal his theme design so hard for my personal blog, as soon as I get some time.

A new security release for the…

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A new security release for the WordPress REST API affects both version 2, which is now at beta 10, and version 1.2.x, which is updated to 1.2.5.

Easy Content Types sold for $15,000

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Brian Krogsgard
I reported in mid-December that Easy Content Types -- one of Pippin Williamson's oldest commercial plugins -- was for sale. He has now announced that he sold the plugin to the owners of CodeInWP. The sale amount was $15,000 for…

WordPress security release, and 4.5 development kicks off

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Brian Krogsgard
It was the first truly busy day in WordPress core land since the release of WordPress 4.4. Two big things happened: A maintenance and security update was released in WordPress 4.4.1, and the security component affected all versions back that can…

Invest in yourself week

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Brian Krogsgard
This is one of the best weeks of the year for you, and you may not know it. You probably have fewer support requests, clients calling, or otherwise demanding forces taking you away from focusing inward. I encourage each of…

Real feedback

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Ryan Sullivan has a great post about feedback: Since I’ve become a business owner, I’ve tried to go out of my way to leave feedback anywhere I can, and really try and give solid, actionable feedback to the people who specifically…
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