WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

WPupdatePHP wants to be BrowseHappy for servers

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Brian Krogsgard
WPupdatePHP is a project by Coen Jacobs to evangelize the need for people to use modern PHP versions for their WordPress installs. It's both a website and a script people can include in their plugins, to function like BrowseHappy does.…

Revenue per employee

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Brian Krogsgard
It's always fun to think about how much money others are making in the WordPress world. We want to know what business models are working, what business models aren't working, and generally get an idea how successful various commercial properties…

The WordPress REST API

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The WordPress REST API is a huge initiative and feature plugin being developed for the core WordPress project. But it can be a bit confusing if you don't know much about it yet. Let's discuss what this project is, why it's important, and how to get involved.

I peaked across the fence at hosted Joomla, then ran home

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Brian Krogsgard
Joomla.com launched as a hosted version of the Joomla! CMS. I was interested because my host (SiteGround) had blogged about how they built the hosting platform for the new Joomla.com site. The tech is neat, as is the fact that…

Starting a mastermind

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Brian Krogsgard
Today, I had my first meeting with my new (and first ever) mastermind group. Not heard of a mastermind? It's typically a small group of individuals connected by at least some common thread, where the group meets periodically to discuss…

WordPress lead developer changes

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Yesterday and today there has been some significant news for the WordPress project. We now have two new lead developers, and two long-time leads are stepping down after outstanding tenures assisting with steering the ship.

Matt Mullenweg on profits and losses

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt Mullenweg has written a rare bit of in-depth insight to decision making at Automattic. The framework for his post is for balancing advice from advisors with the goals of the company, and how those things aren't always on the…

New journalism

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Brian Krogsgard
Bloggers and journalists are experimenting with new models of monetization and independent publishing. One of the pioneers of subscription-based independent blog-based journalism just called it quits, but we should still laud his pioneering effort, not call blogging dead (again).

Licensing matters

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Brian Krogsgard
There's a popular WordPress vulnerability scanner called WPScan. To validate its popularity: it has over 1,800 commits, 750 stars, and 165 forks on Github. The scanner is used by a lot of security folks, as well as other service and…

WooCommerce is going after photography

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WooThemes announced a new product today, aimed at selling photography with WooCommerce. This is a good first step, and I'm excited to see an eCommerce product target the photography super-niche. That said, there is a ton of room in this market, and WordPress isn't really solving photographers' problems yet.

Another Sucuri “responsible disclosure” postmortem

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Brian Krogsgard
James Giroux manages operations at PageLines. Last week, they were notified of a vulnerability by Sucuri, and he went through the rigmarole most of us are familiar with of juggling responsible disclosure and implementing a fix. James did a postmortem on…

Anyone can change

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Update: Change is hard. I wrote this 20 months ago, but after seeing some of the responses on social media to my article on GoDaddy acquiring ManageWP, I was surprised that GoDaddy's changes as a company haven't been more widely recognized.…

I ripped off PressNomics

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Fresh and rested after PressNomics, today I'm reflecting on the WordPress business event that's made such a name for itself. After finally making it myself, on its third iteration, I can tell you that I now know what all the fuss is about. Here are just a few of my takeaways.
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