WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

The case for doing small website projects

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Brian Krogsgard
Last week I posted about how much custom WordPress websites should cost. If you read that post, you know that it depends. Generally the feedback was fantastic, but many readers took from that post that they should raise their prices.…

The new New Yorker is live and on WordPress

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The New Yorker is an iconic magazine that's been in print since 1925, and its online web presence is now on WordPress. Reported in the New York Times originally, the New Yorker is altering its online strategy, broadening the number of magazine articles…

Syed Balkhi and Thomas Griffin are joining forces

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Syed Balkhi and Thomas Griffin first partnered together when they created Floating Social Bar, a free WordPress social sharing plugin. They decided to collaborate after meeting and getting along at WordCamp Raleigh. From there, their relationship blossomed, and they decided…

Automating i18n in WordPress themes

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Brady Vercher
According to the Polygots Make blog, WordPress is used all over the world and in many different languages. To put that in perspective, more than a third of existing WordPress installations are non-English and in his keynote at WordCamp Seattle,…

You forgot about user experience

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Web professionals talk a lot about the importance of writing great code. We should talk even more about providing great user experiences for websites and products we build. Code quality is really important. We should have standards, and utilize them…

Better local development with Airplane Mode

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Websites are complicated these days. Even when we work locally, we typically still need to make a bunch of calls to external, online applications, on any given page load. If you're ever without an internet connection, but still attempt to…
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