WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Understand WordPress internationalization and translation

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Brian Krogsgard
Internationalization (i18n) and translation is one of those fuzzy gray areas for many of us in the WordPress community, especially amongst Americans. We're simply not very accustomed to a multilingual society, therefore we sometimes erroneously don't think about internationalization of our code…

Retroactive Composer support for WordPress with ComposerPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Tom Nowell has created a project called ComposerPress which analyses an existing WordPress install and creates a Composer .json file in your root directory. If you've already gotten to know the value of Composer, but need something to help bring…

Take the WordPress economy survey

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Brian Krogsgard
The folks behind Pressnomics are asking business owners to fill out a survey to help them put together some statistics on the WordPress economy. It's an anonymous survey about your company and revenue. Make sure only one person from each…

Markdown tools for bloggers

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Brian Krogsgard
I've written an introduction to markdown as a language for writing for the web, and a look through the various tools available for crafting markdown'd content, split up by device.

Top ten search terms for themes on the MOJO Marketplace

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Brian Krogsgard
Here's a quick but interesting little post. MOJO Themes has shared their top ten searched terms for themes on their website. Does it shock you as much as it shocks me that 'Real Estate' is number one? The others are a…

WordPress security tips for your website

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Brian Krogsgard
Brad Williams and Brian Messenlehner are co-founders of WebDevStudios and last week they teamed up with SiteGround to do a security presentation. They offer some scary statistics on security, go over an example hack, cover ways to secure your website,…

How WordPress evolves without breaking everything

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Brian Krogsgard
This is a great flash talk by Andrew Nacin, where he discusses the decision making process for evolving WordPress while maintaining backward compatibility. Included are some explanations of the struggles with terms, term meta, and more. This was part of…

Bring any slides to WordPress with seoslides

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Brian Krogsgard
A new WordPress plugin called seoslides aims to bring slides straight to your WordPress website. Alorum worked with 10up to build seoslides. You can build presentations right in the WordPress admin using a fancy HTML 5 canvas interface, and you…

WordPress 3.7 Beta 1

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.7 Beta 1 is ready for testing. For such a quick release cycle, there are features in WordPress 3.7 that are going to be big for the platform. Andrew Nacin highlighted a few items in 3.7 Beta 1 that…

The case for WordCamp speaker reviews

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Brian Krogsgard
Chris Lema makes the case for implementing WordCamp speaker reviews. I think it's a great idea, and you should definitely read his full proposal. I do have some concerns on it though. For one, reviews are subjective, so organizers would…

What fold?

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
It doesn't matter how many times we explain it, clients are still concerned with the fold. The fold does not exist on the web, especially when we do our jobs as web designers and developers. The fold is a print…
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