WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Behind churchthemes.com

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Brian Krogsgard
I've written a non-traditional "launch post" for churchthemes.com, telling the story of how this theme shop came together in the last year. Included are thoughts and experiences relating to business, development philosophy, pricing models, web hosting and marketing.

The new WP Remote API is fancy

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Brian Krogsgard
WP Remote is really starting to mature as a site monitoring and backup service. With their new API and integration with WP CLI, there's some seriously awesome potential. Read more from Human Made developer Daniel Bachhuber. They are also hiring…

Automattic has acquired Cloudup

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt Mullenweg recently teased a large acquisition for Automattic, and today they've announced the acquisition of the Cloudup service. Cloudup is a file sharing service that's still in beta. However, it looks like a promising project with a lot of…

WYSIJA is now MailPoet

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Brian Krogsgard
WYSIJA is a popular email and newsletter plugin, built right into the WordPress dashboard. The name is confusing, but as I have talked about before, the product is pretty great. They have cleared up the name part, re-branding as MailPoet.…

WordSesh 2 is coming soon

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Brian Krogsgard
The First WordSesh was a huge success and we are crazy enough to do it again. We’re currently pulling ourselves together and have begun planning the next event. We hope to have firm dates and additional details for you as soon…

Why the WP App Store failed

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Brian Krogsgard
Brad Touesnard shares the story of his WP App Store project, with a sobering but super insightful account of why it failed. This is a great read for anyone that's got "a great idea" and is ready to pounce on…

A Backbone.js powered starter WordPress theme

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Brian Krogsgard
Tareq Hasan has begun development on a Backbone powered single page application starter theme for WordPress. It uses the JSON REST API plugin as backend. A number of features are left to integrate, but if you're interested in learning more…

Better collaboration in WordPress with Post Forking

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Brian Krogsgard
Post Forking is a plugin all about collaboration. Released almost a year ago, the plugin introduces Github's style of collaboration into the WordPress post editing experience. The plugin works, and it's awesome. The biggest problem is it's not intuitive enough…

WooThemes acquired Standard Theme from 8bit

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Brian Krogsgard
WooThemes and 8bit both announced this morning that WooThemes has acquired the Standard Theme. WooThemes said in their announcement that they will not be selling Standard on their website, but will extend the support period for at least a year.…

Automattic to acquire unnamed service

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Brian Krogsgard
Automattic is acquiring a security firm that has yet to be named or officially announced. The acquisition is said to be Automattic's largest yet. Matt Mullenweg spoke to TechWeekEurope about security within WordPress and a bit about this acquisition. Well,…

Tips for handling icon fonts

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Brian Krogsgard
Joen Asmussen is a designer for Automattic, and in addition to many things, he works on the Genericons project. In this post, he gives some great advice for using icon fonts in your projects. If you're doing client work or…

Customers don’t care about ideas

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Brian Krogsgard
Brian Casel has written a great post debunking a never-ending myth that ideas by themselves are valuable. Brian tells us how to differentiate ourselves with how we solve problems and how we serve our clients. I also love his note…

The WordPress mobile app is ready for iOS7

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Brian Krogsgard
The WordPress Mobile team has been working hard to get the WordPress iOS app ready for iOS7, which is to be released today. Design was led by Hugo Baeta, but eight contributors took part in the design and development for…

WordPress.com, 8th most visited website in the world

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress.com recently passed Yahoo! in Quantcast's rankings of the world's most trafficked websites. It's now number 8. What I find most interesting though, is that according to Matt Mullenweg this does not even count mapped domains, or sites on WordPress.com's…
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