WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Remove SEO columns from the posts admin table

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Brian Krogsgard
I love Joost de Valk's WordPress SEO plugin, but I hate those damn columns in the posts admin table. That's precious horizontal space, and I don't really care most of the time about the color of my SEO dot or…

33 unusual tips to being a better writer

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Brian Krogsgard
This is a bit off beat, but I think relevant for our space. We are almost all publishers, after all. James Altucher gives a whole slew of unexpected tips for better writing. If you've never read anything by James Altucher,…

How Templatic develops commercial themes

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Brian Krogsgard
Templatic has written a really informative post describing their processes for developing commercial themes. They talk about doing market studies, creating mockups, design and development, project management, quality assurance, documentation, and more.

Code should fail nicely

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Brian Krogsgard
Web designers tend to be pretty particular about their designs. However, often times, if you watch how end users use a website, it can be surprising when they don't do things how the designer and developer would expect. Perhaps the…

7 reasons WordPress made PHP popular

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Brian Krogsgard
This site isn't very easy on the eyes, but I think that point 7 is a a valuable lesson, "Pragmatism is better than purism." I don't agree with the entire article, but I really like that one statement.

Why the Washington Post uses WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Yuri Victor gave one of my favorite presentations at WordCamp San Francisco. His talk is now on WordPress.tv. I highly recommend you spend time watching his presentation to see his team's workflow and decision making process, and why they believe…

How to avoid getting scammed by an SEO

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Robert Neu
I didn’t get into SEO because I thought it was a way to get rich. In fact, I sort of learned about it against my will, but I stuck with it because I enjoy helping people. Let me give you…

Running a Viable Freelance Business

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Curtis McHale
After talking with many small business owners over the years there is one constant, many are good at what they do but bad at business. This book as aimed at helping you be good at business.

Modular WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt's vision of future WordPress development (from the SotW) is encapsulated in plugin development. What does that mean for future dev on core APIs? I have one idea on a way that plugin-like functionality could work hand-in-hand with core API…

WordPress Infographic 2013

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Brian Krogsgard
Elegant Themes team went to WordCamp San Francisco and designed a nice WordPress Infographic with all the stats about how WordPress is used and consumed.

All plugins are (not) created equal

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Sarah Pressler
Plugins are the new black in WordPress site development, and picking out the perfect plugins for your site can quickly become overwhelming. The WordPress.org plugin repository hosts over 26,000 plugins and the plugin forum contains over 1.3 million posts. Check…
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