WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Launching a WordPress Product in Public: Session 25

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Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Cory Miller and Corey Maass discuss the progress and updates on their project. They talk about refactoring the app using React and the importance of simplifying the workflow and talking to customers to understand…

Jobs & Career Roundup Week Ending September 29

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Michelle Frechette
In the Spotlight Post Status professional member Nyasha Green is in the spotlight this week. Nyasha is a Software Developer, mentor, writer, instructor, and DEIB in tech & WordPress advocate. The Job Board UpdraftPlus Freelance SEO Copywriter UpdraftPlus PHP WordPress…

Two Worlds of WordPress

Photo of author
Marieke van de Rakt
WordPress has two faces, two different sides, two different worlds even.  At least, that’s what I see when I look at WordPress. You have the community side, with people enthusiastic about open source, contributing to the project, organizing amazing events.…

Launching a WordPress Product in Public: Session 24

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Transcript ↓ In this podcast episode, Corey Maass and Cory Miller discuss their experience at WordCamp US and the challenges they faced in promoting their WordPress product. They talk about making changes to their homepage to provide clearer examples of…
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