WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Ghost 3.0, the open-source blogging platform…

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Dan Knauss
Ghost 3.0, the open-source blogging platform founded by John O'Nolan, was released this week. The headline feature is a "new business model," which aims to help writers use memberships and subscriptions to make a "sustainable living" as "independent publisher[s] in…

WordPress 5.2.4 was released to address…

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Dan Knauss
WordPress 5.2.4 was released to address at least six security issues. 🔒 The first release candidate for WordPress 5.3 is available now, as well. 🏁 Remember, this release includes and fully supports PHP 7.4! More information about 5.3 continues to…

As soon as I heard about…

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Dan Knauss
As soon as I heard about WP FeedBack, I was wondering which hosting company would take advantage of it first. The answer came quickly as GoDaddy Pro announced a partnership with them this week. Their members can get WP Feedback…

WordCamp US will have a WordPress-themed…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
WordCamp US will have a WordPress-themed game show Saturday morning (November 2nd). If you are attending WordCamp US, join the fun and help support the young people who are hosting it. It will be fun! 🎉

Dave Whitley outlines a proposal to…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Dave Whitley outlines a proposal to standardize a type scale for WordPress: "By including other attributes like font weight and line height, we can create a reusable set of predefined styles for design and development."

According to a recent post on…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
According to a recent post on Google's official security blog, Chrome is being prepared to start blocking all mixed content. As of Chrome 79, the browser "will gradually move to block all mixed content by default." It will auto-upgrade mixed…

Ashley Rich compares Digital Ocean, Google…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Ashley Rich compares Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, and AWS for hosting WordPress sites way you might with SpinupWP or ServerPilot and their forthcoming HostLaunch platform. Digital Ocean won the matchup, but all three platforms were are pretty close, and the…

If you have heard the term…

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Dan Knauss
If you have heard the term "serverless," but not much else, then John Demian's brief guide will help you get up to speed. John describes serverless hosting as "an event-based system for running code." In other words, services "create business…

Rachel Andrew at Smashing Magazine explores…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Rachel Andrew at Smashing Magazine explores the use cases where you might encounter overflow in your web designs. Rachel explains how CSS has evolved to create better ways to manage and design around unknown amounts of content.

Joe Watkins cuts right to the…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Joe Watkins cuts right to the point about the importance of funding open source projects your company relies on: Making monetary contributions or approaching your employer with a request to make monetary contributions to projects that your income or business…

There is a discussion unfolding at…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
There is a discussion unfolding at Make WordPress about the future design of the WordPress "About" page. Initial discussion points posted by Tammie Lister ask some good focusing, "what if" questions: What if the CSS system was rebuilt from the…

WordPress 5.2.3 is out. It’s a…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
WordPress 5.2.3 is out. It's a security and maintenance release that includes 29 fixes and enhancements, including an update of jQuery for older versions of WordPress. ✨
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