
WordPress hosting and the hosting industry.

Post Status Excerpt (No. 68) — On the Road to WordCamp US

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Dan Knauss
In this episode Dan and Ny are tired! — but excited about heading to their first WordCamp of any kind. They talk about the things they're looking forward to seeing and doing at WCUS and in San Diego. Lots of interesting speakers and talks! Contributor day! Karaoke. Food comes up — a lot.

The $500 Website

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
A decade ago, Chris Butler's survey and report for Newfangled provided other agencies with the numbers that meaningfully define their market. WordPress agencies and freelancers could use something similar today.

Tech Roundup for the Week of August 22

Photo of author
Daniel Schutzsmith
DigitalOcean's acquisition of Cloudways • Stop saying "Gutenberg!" • Build Mode Live with Brian Gardner and Sam Munoz • One week left to submit a style variation for TT3 • Cool Tool of the Week: Munir Kamal's Editor Plus

Is this a WordPress Acquisition?

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
DigitalOcean's acquisition of Cloudways is an investment in the WordPress ecosystem with an emphasis on "digital agencies, eCommerce sites, bloggers, freelance developers and builders hosting on WordPress." has changed a lot

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
This is managed WordPress hosting — and has been all along I've been delinquent with posting on my .blog blog on for about a year, so when I bought into the Pro plan after the first recent price change…

WordPress at a Massive Scale

Photo of author
Olivia Bisset
Cory Miller talks with Lead Solutions Engineer at WordPress VIP, Sean O'Shaughnessy. Learn about WordPress hosting at a massive scale with some blind case study examples.
A2 Hosting
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