WordPress News

WordPress as a Commons

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Lesley Sim
Fences can protect or inhibit care of a commons. "Do not remove a fence until you know why it was put up in the first place," is a classic piece of wisdom. What are the questions we need to ask about our fences and WordPress as a commons?

Front-End Performance in WordPress

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Olivia Bisset
Want WordPress to run faster? In this webinar, you will learn how to think about front-end performance, as well as the tools and tactics to improve your visitor’s experiences.

Charitable Giving

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Michelle Frechette
Charitable giving is something we're often asked to do, not only as individuals, but especially as businesses. It's assumed that if you are in business, you must have deep pockets.

An Inclusive Workplace is More Than Skin Deep

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Talisha Lewallen
Some people have said that Post Status is not culturally diverse, although half of our employees identify as female. They say we are not diverse because we all look “white.” Does that make us a company that is not culturally diverse? No, it doesn’t. What that photograph does not show is heritage, or home culture, or race and nationality. Our team is a combination of different nationalities, races, and cultures. 
A2 Hosting
Progress Planner is a proud sponsor of Post Status.