WordPress News

There are a few nuggets of wisdom in…

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Brian Krogsgard
There are a few nuggets of wisdom in Matt Medeiros' answers to questions on running a WordPress product and service business after his appearance on the OfficeHours.fm podcast. BTW, OfficeHours.fm reached 100 episodes recently, so congrats to Carrie Dils.

Templatic, a WordPress theme company, was…

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Brian Krogsgard
Templatic, a WordPress theme company, was recently hacked and that hacker is holding it's customer data for ransom. This is terrifying, for both Templatic clients and for Templatic itself. Thankfully billing information wasn't stored and Templatic's customers at least so…

Follow-up on Server Pilot

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Brian Krogsgard
I talked to Justin Samuel, the CEO of Server Pilot, on the phone today, to do a bit of follow-up after my last post. I'm still intrigued by Server Pilot, which I see as unique in our space right now,…

Weekend listening: The A16Z podcast talked…

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Weekend listening: The A16Z podcast talked about open source business models in a short episode the other day. Automattic isn't mentioned, but the conversation around investing in community influencers, winning over developers, and building out a sales team is pretty…

Managing products is about focus

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Brian Krogsgard
I have to hand it to Jeff Chandler, he's pretty good at raising a ruckus when he's annoyed with a plugin. Yesterday, I guess he reached his boiling point with Edit Flow, the quasi-abandoned plugin by Automattic for managing an…

Understanding reference transactions and PayPal

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Brian Krogsgard
During my WooConf talk, I discussed a little bit about PayPal, why it's useful as an eCommerce checkout option, and why site owners with subscriptions need Reference Transactions enabled. The common question after that was: what they heck are Reference Transactions?…

GoDaddy targets Digital Ocean with new cloud infrastructure

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Brian Krogsgard
GoDaddy is targeting products by companies like Digital Ocean and Amazon with their new by-the-hour Cloud Services and Apps project. The pricing is pretty much a direct mirror of Digital Ocean's right now (starts at $5 per month), and they…

Dates for CaboPress have been announced.…

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Dates for CaboPress have been announced. The event is happening on November 14th - 17th in Los Cabos, Mexico and according to event organizer Chris Lema only 20-30 spots are available. CaboPress is a unique WordPress event not only in…

The Jorbin Test

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Aaron Jorbin
The Joel Test has largely stood the test of time, yet there isn't a WordPress specific version to help WordPress developers judge job opportunities. The Jorbin Test is the Joel Test, updated for the WordPress engineers of today.

Mandrill ditches free plans, stacks onto paid Mailchimp

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Brian Krogsgard
Most of you know this by now, as it's been all over the web and a hot topic in Slack, but Mailchimp is ditching free Mandrill plans for transactional emails, and stacking Mandrill onto paid Mailchimp plans. But even if…

Rainmaker Digital passes $12 million in revenue, 60+ employees

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Brian Krogsgard
Rainmaker Digital is the newish name of the formerly known Copyblogger Media. Brian Clark recently did an interview with Andrew Warner of Mixergy, where he discussed the state of the business, where things are going, and what to expect. It was…

Mason James doesn’t like the term…

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Mason James doesn't like the term "maintenance", which may come as a surprise considering many folks lump his company, Valet (formerly WP Valet) into a group of "maintenance service" agencies. Maintenance is a completely inadequate and backwards approach to running…

Themezilla acquired by Pixel Union

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Pixel Union was originally a theme marketplace for Tumblr, that expanded to BigCommerce, Shopify, and WordPress. The founder of Pixel Union is Andrew Wilkinson, who also started Meta Lab and publishes Designer News. Meta Lab is well known for being the…
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