WordPress News

PressNomics 4 set for March 3-4, 2016

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Brian Krogsgard
PressNomics 4 is set. You can (and should) start planning to visit sunny Phoenix March 3-4th next year. This is one of the best events of the year, and probably the best event for business oriented WordPress professionals. I launched…

Growth in the French community

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Jenny Beaumont
Jenny Beaumont, a freelance web developer based in France, describes the recent growth boom in France's WordPress community and some of those who've helped it thrive.

A future API

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Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue, the lead developer of the WordPress REST API, imagines the year 2020, when the REST API is mature and in WordPress core. He tells us stories of some of the fun things that are possible.

Stepping up reporting in WordPress eCommerce

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Brian Krogsgard
If I could give this post 1,000 +1's, I would. Brianna Norcross is operations manager at Reaktiv Studios and she is super obsessive with the numbers and good reporting. In her experience, and I wholeheartedly agree, WordPress eCommerce plugin reporting…

Google Analyticator sold to SumoMe, the team behind AppSumo

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Brian Krogsgard
Troy Dean -- of WP Elevation and Video User Manuals -- was until recently also the maintainer of Google Analyticator, the WordPress analytics plugin with 400,000+ active installations. Troy sold Google Analyticator to Noah Kagan and SumoMe. SumoMe is directly related…

Twenty myths about building a business

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Alex Turnbull shares some myths about business that resonated with me. I’ve learned a lot – we all have – and I look at business and entrepreneurship in a completely different way now than I did five years ago. There were so…

What is Code?

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Brian Krogsgard
"What is code?" Paul Ford answers the question, with a 38,000 word masterpiece in Bloomberg. This is the first article I'd tell an aspiring programmer to read, and the one that anyone working in technology should have in their permanent collection.

A commercial plugin directory

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Brian Krogsgard
Steven Gliebe has launched a commercial plugin directory called Pro Plugin Directory. My point is that commercial plugins are a big deal but there is no central place to locate them. I usually search WordPress.org and find something free that…

Automattic to acquire WP Job Manager from Mike Jolley

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Brian Krogsgard
Mike Jolley has agreed to terms to sell WP Job Manager to Automattic. Mike is already joining Automattic after the WooThemes acquisition -- under his role as WooCommerce lead developer -- and the sale of WP Job Manager is in part due to Automattic's rules for employee side projects.

Free WordPress themes and the elephant in the room

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Brian Krogsgard
There has been a big kerfuffle the last few days in the community of theme authors and theme reviewers on WordPress.org. The theme review team discovered that some themes are skirting (knowingly or not knowingly) some old-standing rules around content creation.…

Finding stability in WordPress

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Lara Littlefield's is the latest story on HeroPress, and it is a moving one. Lara has been using WordPress since the very beginning and today runs SimmerWP, which looks like a really neat tool for managing recipes. Lara really opens up…

Five years of Yoast

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Brian Krogsgard
Joost de Valk sent a newsletter this morning noting that Yoast has been in business for five years. It's hard to believe just five years ago he had a job working for someone else. Now they are a team of…

Transparency in WordPress businesses

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I love seeing companies open up and share their business details. Income and transparency reports have become more and more popular. Alex Turnbull, of Groove, notes why transparency alone should not be just about the numbers: Why is transparency effective? Because…

A couple more notes on the WooThemes acquisition

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Thank you to all members for your patience on the newsletter, as I spent a great deal of time on the WooThemes acquisition post. I have a couple of thoughts I thought I'd leave specifically for you. New space in…
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