WordPress News


Woo Weekly #400: State of WooCommerce 2022

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Dan Knauss
Congrats to Rodolfo Melogli of Business Bloomer and David Mainayar at PeachPay for reaching issue #400 of WooWeekly back in July. To celebrate this milestone, Rodolfo asked a lot of people (including me) to explain what one thing they'd change…

Announcing the Post Status Index

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Cory Miller
Professionally, if I named one key element to my success it would be my relationships. I can trace every “big” or “successful” thing I’ve done to mutually generous healthy friendships. That’s also the key to Post Status being what it…

Transitioning an Agency to Gutenberg

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Dan Knauss
Up this week on WP Tavern's Jukebox with Nathan Wrigley, it's Sean Blakely with the story of the transition to Gutenberg in a large agency, American Eagle. I've expected to see stories like this — for years. It seems they're…

Plugin Checker

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Dan Knauss
On July 5, Felix Arntz proposed creating and adopting a plugin checking tool for the Plugin Review Team similar to the theme checker. The Performance Team would take the lead, but contributors from other teams would be needed as well.…

EMEA and AMER Member Huddles

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Dan Knauss
We are hosting Two Weekly Post Status Member Huddles now. Huddles open time and space for our community of peers designed for camaraderie and connection for all WordPress Professionals, even if you're not a member yet.

WP Campus 2023

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Dan Knauss
The WPCampus conference won't happen in 2022. The post-COVID reboot has been delayed until July 12-14, 2023, so save those dates. Until then, keep up with the leadership transition and consider pitching in. WPCampus is a community network and conference…

Founders on What They’d Do Over Differently

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Dan Knauss
Eric Karkovack got some nice brief reflections from WordPress product founders/owners Kathy Darling, Cameron Jones, Derek Ashauer, Jack Arturo, Gareth Harris, and Mark Westguard. You may be surprised at what they'd do differently if they were starting out now, knowing…

Winning the War on WordPress Notification Spam

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Dan Knauss
Nice to see Brian Coords getting involved with the WP Notifications feature plugin project — otherwise known as WP-Notify (Github). He's calling for testing and feedback on the proof-of-concept at this point. You can click this link and immediately spin…

Faster and Faster

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Dan Knauss
Kevin Ohashi has released another annual report for WordPress (and WooCommerce) Hosting Benchmarks. My takeaways: https://twitter.com/post_status/status/1551672904852484096?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1551672904852484096%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2F2Ftwitter.com2Fpost_status2Fstatus2F1551672904852484096widget%3DTweet https://twitter.com/post_status/status/1551674571366940672 https://twitter.com/post_status/status/1551676428202102785

Joost’s 7th WordPress Market Share Report

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Cory Miller
Joost de Valk, founder of Yoast SEO, posted his 7th CMS Market Share Analysis, based on data from W3Techs and BuiltWith. Here are some key points from Joost’s post: WordPress is the #1 CMS with a 43% market share, roughly…

Putting it together, together

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Today Cory took the lead on the Post Status newsletter release and joined Dan in co-authoring the introduction to it, which we usually share here. Some thoughts on newsletter integration, Newsletter Glue, Newspack, and the challenges facing plugin owners at WordPress.org in trying to determine the true size of their potential customer base.
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