
Edge and the state of browsers

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Brian Krogsgard

While WordPress 5.0 and WordCamp US were consuming the majority of the community's attention, some significant events were unfolding that will have profound and lasting effects on the web. One of these events was a rumor that Microsoft decided to…

Peter O’Shaughnessy makes the case why…

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Brian Krogsgard

Peter O'Shaughnessy makes the case why browser diversity is good for the web, that "the web thrives on diversity." A single web browser -- from Apple, Google, Mozilla, or anyone -- wouldn't be a good thing. Of course, feature fragmentation…

Peter O’Shaughnessy makes the case for…

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Dan Knauss

Peter O'Shaughnessy makes the case for browser diversity as a good thing for the web because it "thrives on diversity." A single web browser -- from Apple, Google, Mozilla, or anyone -- wouldn't be a good thing. Of course, feature…

Shaping a vision of success

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Jenny Beaumont
With the next edition of WordCamp Europe on the horizon, Jenny Beaumont finds herself thinking about event growth past and present, and about what success might look like for all of us in this new year.

Tracy Levesque summarizes her PressNomics talk…

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Tracy Levesque summarizes her PressNomics talk in a blog post, discussing why diversity is a benefit, and instruction organizations how they can encourage more diverse environments.

The Jorbin Test

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Aaron Jorbin
The Joel Test has largely stood the test of time, yet there isn't a WordPress specific version to help WordPress developers judge job opportunities. The Jorbin Test is the Joel Test, updated for the WordPress engineers of today.

Twenty Sixteen gives me a bit of a sour taste

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Of course we all expected a new default theme soon enough, as the naming scheme demands; I had my money that it would be part of 4.5 early next year. It was announced yesterday with a design proposal complete, and will likely go into…

Events to keep your eye on

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

There are three non-WordCamp events coming up you should check out. A Day of REST A Day of REST is a conference that will be dedicated to -- you guessed it -- the WordPress REST API. Organized by Human Made,…

Growth in the French community

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Jenny Beaumont
Jenny Beaumont, a freelance web developer based in France, describes the recent growth boom in France's WordPress community and some of those who've helped it thrive.

New committers for WordPress 4.3

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

With the WordPress 4.3 release cycle, three new people are getting guest commit access, two are continuing their guest commit access from 4.2, and three have been announced to have permanent commit access. New guest committers for WordPress 4.3: Ella…

Women, WordPress, & the web

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

Mel Choyce is an outstanding member of the WordPress community. In this post, which is actually a follow-up to one she wrote two years ago, she talks about the environment for women in the WordPress and web communities. Quite honestly, you…

Welcome Travis Northcutt as Contributing Editor

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I'm thrilled today to announce that the Post Status team is growing. Doubling, in fact! I'm very happy to announce that Travis Northcutt is going to be a Contributing Editor to Post Status. In this role, Travis will be able…
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