
What is the future of commercial plugins?

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Brian Krogsgard
Every now and then there are discussions and debates that arise to the forefront of the WordPress community. One of these discussions caught our attention: paid products based in WordPress and how they are (or are not) promoted within the…

If you’re serious

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Matt, If you’re serious about forking b2 I would be interested in contributing. I’m sure there are one or two others in the community who would be too. Mike Little's fateful comment on Matt Mullenweg's blog. A short history of…

WordPress.org theme demos leave a lot to be desired

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress.org has made incredible strides the last few years on improving the quality of the themes in the repository. Every theme goes through a stringent approval process, thanks to the WordPress Theme Review Team. But discovery can still be challenging on WordPress.org.

WordPress is turning 10 – let’s party everywhere

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WordPress turns 10 on May 27th. So, in proper celebratory manor, WordPress.org is helping WordPress users to host and attend local WordPress parties everywhere. Many meetup organizers will likely coordinate in your various towns, but feel free to host your…

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Sarah Gooding has done a nice comparison of WordPress.org and WordPress.com. This could be useful for when you're trying to explain the difference to clients.
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