WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

How to decide what should be a paid add-on

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Brian Krogsgard
James Laws writes about what to consider when determining whether a new plugin feature should be a paid add-on or not. At NinjaForms, they balance a number of criteria, but in the end he says it comes to a gut…

WordPress security release for all versions

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Brian Krogsgard
All past versions of WordPress "are affected by a critical cross-site scripting vulnerability, which could enable anonymous users to compromise a site," according to the release post by Gary Pendergast. WordPress 4.1.2, 4.2 RC3, and new tag releases on past versions…

What we learned today

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Brian Krogsgard
In my blog post about today's coordinated plugin update, I discussed the logistics of many of the top WordPress plugins working together to put out an update to fix the misuse of add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg(). Throughout the day, I've tracked other…

WordPress News with Daniel Espinoza

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Brian Krogsgard
Daniel Espinoza and I cover the week in WordPress news with a short format (~15 minute) podcast. This week we talk about Automattic versus WordPress, the 4.2 release candidate, clever REST API uses, taxes, and hosted website solutions' marketing.

Inside Jetpack

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Sarah Gooding has an interesting long form piece that goes inside Jetpack's multiple team setup at Automattic, and how they think about development and the structure of the plugin. I found the bit about installs... odd. Automattic is aware of…

Hosting tips for developers

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Brian Krogsgard
Mark Jaquith shares some hosting tips for developers using Pantheon's service. I wish I'd seen this before I used Pantheon for the first time. If you're doing client work on Pantheon, Mark's guide is outstanding. Also, it's not a bad read…

WP101 and Sidekick are partnered with GoDaddy

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
WP101 has inked a deal with GoDaddy's Pro (WordPress) hosting product to complement their deal with Sidekick, to enable a significant amount of user training for GoDaddy customers. Both deals are part of an overall agenda from GoDaddy to enable…

You are valuable

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The keys to being valuable: Be open. Be honest. Be willing. Be passionate. Result: Be valuable. Be employed. WordPress continues its dominance as a CMS. This is an obvious statement if you look at statistics for sites that use WordPress, but…

A podcast series on web design

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Brian Krogsgard
Matt Medeiros is doing a series on web design, and the business of it. In the fourth part, he interviews Carson McComas in regard to managing a $50,000 project. Carson worked on the eCommerce site I shared a while back.…

WordPress News with Beka Rice

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Brian Krogsgard
Beka Rice and I cover the week in WordPress news with a short format (~15 minute) podcast. This week we talk about Mesh (an upcoming app by Automattic), 4.3 and 4.4 release leads, April Fools', and Array's year in review.

Productivity in a design agency

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Brian Krogsgard
Paper Leaf does mostly WordPress-centric design and development. Jeff Archibald shared an infographic with their productive breakdown: hours logged billable versus non-billable, projects won, etc. My favorite part was the breakdown of tasks in the hours that were logged. I've…

A theme shop year in review

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Mike McAlister has shared an in-depth post recapping his first year as an independent theme shop, Array. Array sells themes on their website, but has also been on WordPress.com for a while. However, they also experimented with Creative Market. What…

A deep dive into “passive” income and online marketing

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
I've been doing a lot of research on the empire that Pat Flynn built. He discovered the potential for passive income after he realized a website he made to take notes for an architecture exam was getting a lot of traffic. He…
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