WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Learn WordPress from Bob Dunn

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Brian Krogsgard
Bob Dunn has released his latest project, many months in the making. BobWPTutorials is a tutorial and course website powered by WooCommerce, and offers tutorials on general WordPress usage, as well as Genesis and WooThemes products. He already boasts 48 published…

Why post formats should be plugin territory

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Travis Northcutt
A thought-provoking piece by Morten Rand-Hendriksen on why post formats belong in a plugin, rather than in WordPress core. Currently Post Formats themselves remain as a core feature and there is sporadic talk of restarting work on the Post Formats UI.…

Aesop, a Medium-esque “story engine” for WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Aesop is a self-described "story engine" for WordPress. The plugin boasts "components designed for rich storytelling experiences." Basically, it creates an admin interface that allows a site owner to create interactive stories, similar to those popularized by projects like Medium…

On selling a WordPress agency

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Brian Krogsgard
It was announced in November that VeloMedia was going to acquire Crowd Favorite. The deal closed on Friday, and Crowd Favorite CEO (and now VeloMedia CTO) Alex King wrote about why and how he sold his agency -- the oldest…

Client resource: beginner’s guide to SEO

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Brian Krogsgard
If you're like me, you've been frustrated before when a client asks you if you are "SEO proficient". SEO is one of those terms that's so mainstream, many prospective clients ask about it without knowing too much about what they…

The ins and outs of code blocks in WordPress content

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Brian Krogsgard
Chris Coyier has done a nice job going through the various considerations to make when posting code in WordPress content. He covers using <pre> and <code> tags in the WordPress editor directly, using Markdown and Github flavored Markdown, and third…

Managing Jetpack enabled blogs on WordPress.com

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Brian Krogsgard
I have tons of WordPress.com connected blogs. Some are connected to WordPress.org sites that are mine. Some are connected to WordPress.org sites of one-off clients and friends that I wasn't in the mood to explain Jetpack and WordPress.com too. Some…

Business theme highlight: Forefront

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Brian Krogsgard
I discovered a new WordPress theme today, thanks to a tweet from Ian Stewart, called Forefront. Forefront is a business theme by Automattic that is available on both WordPress.com and on Creative Market for WordPress.org users. Forefront has its own…

Why I’m done with social media buttons

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Brian Krogsgard
I get asked at least once a month to put sharing buttons on Post Status. Yesterday, I read Sam Solomon's reasoning about why he's done using them in his designs. Also, the comments from Hacker News had some good insight,…

Automattic should acquire Editorially

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Brian Krogsgard
http://vimeo.com/73479976 Watch the video above. See the beautiful and collaborative writing experience that Editorially built? And now it's gone. Only, why? This seems like a perfect opportunity for Automattic to be able to keep a great project afloat. And it…

WordPress Core Proposal: Offline Editor

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress has a lot of killer features already, and more on the roadmap for future versions. One feature I'd really like to see would be an offline editor: create and manage posts in the browser without a network connection (then…

Yoast enters the WordPress theme market

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Travis Northcutt
Joost de Valk has announced his company (Yoast) have released three Genesis Child Themes, with more on the way. We’re releasing 3 themes today, all of them very different but all of them share a lot of functionality too. They’re…
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