WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

DEI = Salary Transparency

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Dan Knauss
https://twitter.com/dimensionmedia/status/1568670894939344897 @Stratacomm again: Biggest applause line of @camikaos DEIB talk: “In order to have equity, we have to have salary transparency.” #WCUS @Piccia digs deep into that very subject this week at Post Status.

Salary Transparency: Why Not?

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Piccia Neri
On the Post Status job board, like many others, most of the WordPress employers who use it don’t include salary ranges on their job listings. Should they? Piccia Neri asked them all why they do or don't practice salary transparency. She also put the question to agencies, freelancers, the WordPress community, developers, and designers on Twitter. Find out what Piccia learned and why she thinks salary transparency should be a universal practice where it hasn't yet become a legal obligation.

Tech Roundup for the Week of September 12

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Daniel Schutzsmith
Fresh off the heels of WordCamp US, here’s a glimpse of what’s going on in the world of design and development in the WordPress space. There were several fantastic talks about design, accessibility, WP-CLI, blocks, and FSE at the event. We’re looking forward to highlighting some videos once they’re online.

Creativity and Chronic Pain

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Dan Knauss
Here's "a frank conversation about illness and pain" from AIGA Eye on Design by Madeleine Morley. Madeleine talks with SICK magazine editor Olivia Spring about SICK's rejection of productivity as a virtue. Pause and rest when you need to —…

Post Status Excerpt (No. 68) — On the Road to WordCamp US

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Dan Knauss
In this episode Dan and Ny are tired! — but excited about heading to their first WordCamp of any kind. They talk about the things they're looking forward to seeing and doing at WCUS and in San Diego. Lots of interesting speakers and talks! Contributor day! Karaoke. Food comes up — a lot.

Does WordPress Need a Product Manager?

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Dan Knauss
Lesley Sim thinks so, and she outlines what this could mean — plus a lot of other good ideas for keeping WordPress on top and moving forward. There's a lot in this interview with Lesley and Brian Coords over at…

127 Full Site Editing Block Themes

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Dan Knauss
It's not meteoric growth by any means, but it's good to see over 127 block themes listed in the WordPress.org theme directory. Highlighting block themes in the navigation was a good idea and an odd one to oppose, but I…

What is a WordPress developer?

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
That was the question on an episode of Woo DevChat with Ebonie Butler, Lisa Canini, Robbie Adair, and Kathy Zant. It's an interesting to compare their views and experiences with the ones shared by Zach Stepek, Till Krüss, and Carl…
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