
This is everything we publish that’s fit for a WordPress-focused RSS feed.

This Week at (May 23, 2022)

Photo of author
Courtney Robertson
Each week we are highlighting the news from that you don't want to miss. If you or your company create products or services that use WordPress, we've got the news you need to know. Be sure to share this…

Post Status Notes #499

Photo of author
David Bisset
Kim Parsell Memorial Scholarship returns to WCUS › Think like a platform again! › Leo Gopal on support for mental health in the community › WP Accessibility Day › Performance Lab 1.1.0 › The WordPress Way › Dropping jQuery for speed › More to WP than Headless and FSE for devs › and more...

WordPress Podcast and Video Picks for the Week of May 15

Photo of author
David Bisset
Good viewing and listening for you this weekend! Krogsgard on memberships and churn. Web 2.0 tech leaders reflect. Mike McAlister on the journey from Atomic Blocks and Array Themes to the Liftoff Creator Course. Paid services at Underrepresented in Tech. The Pattern Creator and Directory. WCEU. Inclusive Open Source Processes and Governance.

This Week at (May 16, 2022)

Photo of author
Courtney Robertson
Each week we are highlighting the news from that you don't want to miss. If you or your company create products or services that use WordPress, we've got the news you need to know. Be sure to share this…

Post Status Notes #498

Photo of author
David Bisset
Are we up or down? What should happen when a license expires? Is the block protocol worth it? Driesnote 2022. WP Engine expands. Becoming a better writer. Best backup solutions. Define your role. Reaktiv wins a spot in Inc's Best Workplaces. Open Source JobHub. Our passwordless future.
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