
WordPress security news and issues.

Million dollar products

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Brian Krogsgard
Kyle Neath isn't a fan of Unicorn culture in tech-land. He would like to see more people aim to create what he qualifies as family businesses, and aim for smaller (more niche) customer bases, provide better service, build companies that…

WordPress 4.3, “Billie”, released

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 4.3, "Billie", has been released. Billie includes four major user-facing features that most website owners will experience on a semi-regular basis, and many other enhancements, bug fixes, and developer features.

WordPress 4.2.4 maintenance and security release

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 4.2.4 was released and auto-updated in the last 24 hours, thankfully to seemingly little attention (other than perhaps a bit of update fatigue). And that's a good thing. According to the announcement post, the release addresses six different issues.…

Inside the mind of a white hat WordPress hacker

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Brian Krogsgard
I've read, I think, my favorite WordPress security post ever. I admit, I do get excited when something is teased to me as a trilogy, but Netanel Rubin follows through with flying colors. Now, this post is long. And when…

Rogue shortcodes cause controversy for 4.2.3 security release

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Brian Krogsgard
The WordPress 4.2.3 security release looks like most security releases on the surface, but it has caused a good bit of controversy. The release includes a number of fixes, but one involving shortcodes is the focus of attention. Immediately after…

Growth in the French community

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Jenny Beaumont
Jenny Beaumont, a freelance web developer based in France, describes the recent growth boom in France's WordPress community and some of those who've helped it thrive.

A future API

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Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue, the lead developer of the WordPress REST API, imagines the year 2020, when the REST API is mature and in WordPress core. He tells us stories of some of the fun things that are possible.

Sucuri want to compete with CloudFlare

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Brian Krogsgard
Sucuri is seeking to build a full CloudFlare alternative, according to WP Tavern: “The fundamental difference is that it’s security first, performance second,” Perez said. “So yes, in the coming months you’ll see more as our solution blossoms into a…

UI and password initiatives for WordPress 4.3

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Brian Krogsgard
Two of the initiatives for WordPress 4.3  are for further improving WordPress (especially mobile) UI and re-evaluating password management. Starting Thursday, lead developer Helen Housandí will host UI chats in the WordPress Slack #design channel. Additionally, lead developer Mark Jaquith further laid…

In defense of WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
Mattias Geniar gives WordPress a pat on the back for how the project has handled recent security vulnerabilities. At PHP conferences, WordPress often serves as a punching bag. Nearly every talk that discusses code quality brings in WordPress and compares…

The trojan emoji

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Andrew Nacin, lead developer of WordPress, just finished a talk at Loopconf, where he talked about a series of related WordPress security fixes that spanned two years, with the final fix included into WordPress core under the guise of emoji support.

Automatically expire passwords for WordPress users

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Frankie Jarrett has created yet another handy plugin, this time to auto expire passwords for users of certain roles based on a customizable number of days. This plugin could be handy for organizations that require password resets, or just for…
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