Do the Woo

Shiny New Releases

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
Gravity Forms 7.1 Beta 1 • the SpinupWP community • Dollie 2.0 • rtCamp's Easy Engine now with full custom Docker-Compose support • Metorik • Iconic • Do the Woo • Simple Ajax Chat Pro

SaaS, Plugin, or Both?

Photo of author
Dan Knauss
The perennial question — to SaaS or not to SaaS? Both? WordPress-centric product and marketing, or not so much? Danielle Di-Tommaso and Josh Barling from Acsell join Vito Peleg from Atarim to talk about their experiences in these scenarios with…

WooCommerce 6.7, Release Cadence update, “If you could change one thing in Woo,” and Marius Vetrici is WooDev of the Week

Photo of author
Bob Dunn
This week WooCommerce 6.7 was released along with WooCommerce Blocks 7.8.3. Our good friend Rodolfo Melogli polled the Woo community for his 400th issue of WooWeekly: If you could change one thing in WooCommerce, what would it be?" Multidots shares a fascinating case study they have on both migration and multisite for And Marius Vetrici is the WooDev profile of the week. He's been writing code since 1994 and has 10+ programming languages under his belt and 20+ years of experience. Despite (or because of?) that, he's interested in low-code tools and refuses to buy shoes online. You've just got to try them on to get the perfect fit and feel of the shoe on the foot.

WooCommerce Update: Blocks 8.0, Checkout Block Payment Method Guide and Dummy Gateway, Licensing Solutions, Future of Payments, and Carl meets Bōggie

Photo of author
Bob Dunn
It's WooCommerce Blocks 8.0, and Woo 6.7's final release is close. • A new guide with a tool to help you integrate payment methods with the Checkout Block. • What's your preferred software licensing solution? • The Future of Payments, with David Mainayar and Robert Windisch. • When Carl met Bōggie.

What’s a WordPress “Developer?”

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Dan Knauss
It’s a good time to celebrate growth, maturity — and longevity. This is our 500th issue. WordPress is 19! And the 6.0 release is just a few days old, with new and old hands contributing from all over the world. Many are "developers" of some kind. Those who are showing up every day to make the project work and to make a living in WordPress are the professionals. Here's to them!

Breaking and Making Changes

Photo of author
Bob Dunn
In this Week's Woo Snippet: Breaking change notice 💔 Mollie Payments, WooFunnels 🆙 and Fast 🙅‍♂️ New at Do the Woo 🆕 Cut ZeroClipboard 📋

Bob Dunn has announced the launch…

Photo of author
Dan Knauss

Bob Dunn has announced the launch of, a website to connect the WooCommerce builder community: "I believe that there is a need for a central location to help connect those who build WooCommerce sites, products and services. These people…
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