WordPress News

Anonymity is bullshit

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Brian Krogsgard
I'm a little fired up. Tonight, I saw an open-ended and, honestly, silly post from Torque about a strange WooCommerce extensions shop called WP Avengers. WP Avengers, as it turns out, is a group of essentially anonymous folks who claim…

How Templatic develops commercial themes

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Brian Krogsgard
Templatic has written a really informative post describing their processes for developing commercial themes. They talk about doing market studies, creating mockups, design and development, project management, quality assurance, documentation, and more.

How to avoid getting scammed by an SEO

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Robert Neu
I didn’t get into SEO because I thought it was a way to get rich. In fact, I sort of learned about it against my will, but I stuck with it because I enjoy helping people. Let me give you…

Running a Viable Freelance Business

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Curtis McHale
After talking with many small business owners over the years there is one constant, many are good at what they do but bad at business. This book as aimed at helping you be good at business.

Thoughts on WordPress affiliate programs

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Brian Krogsgard
Tom McFarlin gives some great thoughts (that I happen to agree with fully) about WordPress affiliate programs. The key is remembering as an affiliate that every product is not for every person. And if you're an affiliate just for the…

WP Push specializes in push notifications for WordPress apps

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Brian Krogsgard
I ran across this one thanks to Pippin Williamson mentioning it. WP Push is a highly focused extension market that creates push notification functionality for WordPress plugins and apps. They've got them for Jetpack, the bb's, various eCommerce software, and…

Blogging is good for business even if you get no traffic

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Brian Krogsgard
I could not agree with this author more. Rob Fitzpatrick explains why he believes that blogging is good for a business even if the blog gets no traffic. Before you scoff, read the post. It's all logical and after years…

WordPress CRM workflow tips

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Curtis McHale
Getting sales in the door is the thing that keeps a business growing. I know that I don't do as good a job as I should, mainly because I haven't found a tool I like to track my projects. Here…

WP Elevation wants to help make you a better consultant

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Brian Krogsgard
Troy Dean wants to help other consultants be better at what they do. He's starting a new monthly membership site he calls a WordPress business coaching program to train consultants through every step of the web development process. It's $97…

Do things that don’t scale

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
This isn't specifically WordPress related, but Paul Graham shares some really detailed advice on why he recommends startups and entrepreneurs to do things that don't scale. Specifically, he's referencing the importance of going out of your way with a new business to…
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