
Google’s AMP and what it means for WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It's an open source spec created by Google and collaborated on by a number of other mega companies, in response to Facebook's "Instant Articles" feature. The tl;dr on AMP is that it's a not…

Responsive images look likely for WordPress 4.4

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Brian Krogsgard

An official merge proposal was created for the responsive images plugin, and during the weekly Core dev chat a lively discussion took place discussing its merits and the variety of issues with enabling responsive images in WordPress. The candidate plugin…

whitelist_html is Ryan McCue and Human…

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Brian Krogsgard

whitelist_html is Ryan McCue and Human Made's way to allow some HTML when sanitizing strings, but not all, while also preventing the performance hit of WordPress's kses functions.

Speed as a feature

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Brian Krogsgard

Performance optimization can be a hard sell inside an organization that has a lot of needs and not a lot of resources. GQ recently has page loads upwards of 7 seconds and bounce rates 10-20% higher on mobile than desktop,…

Two performance boosts for font loading with Typekit

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Brian Krogsgard

Two Typekit performance boosts are worth noting. I know a lot of theme shops include Typekit in their themes, and it's also one of the most popular ways to use custom fonts on custom client work. If you use Typekit…

WordPress hosting performance benchmarks, 2015

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Brian Krogsgard
Kevin Ohashi has this year's WordPress hosting performance benchmarks review up on Review Signal, and it's another great analysis. He reviewed 19 hosts and for some of them testing multiple configurations. He covers the biggest players and some I had…

Sucuri want to compete with CloudFlare

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Brian Krogsgard
Sucuri is seeking to build a full CloudFlare alternative, according to WP Tavern: “The fundamental difference is that it’s security first, performance second,” Perez said. “So yes, in the coming months you’ll see more as our solution blossoms into a…

Critical rendering path and front end performance notes

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Brian Krogsgard

There is no fold, unless you're talking about the critical rendering path, of course. For a primer on critical rendering paths, Patrick Sexton has a good introduction: Let's look at the path that this page takes before it gets displayed....…

How to create better, more accessible WordPress themes

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Sami Keijonen
Accessibility is an important part of modern web development. It is our responsibility as creators of WordPress themes to make them accessible to all users, on any device. In this article, I'll offer some simple tips to create better, more accessible WordPress themes.

Weekend reads

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Brian Krogsgard

Here are some articles I liked this week, but didn't do a complete Note for: Improving font performance with subsetting and local storage: font tips I haven't seen before on Sitepoint. BenchPress: count me in, Brad! The fundamentals of clean…

Chrome 41 making a big step for faster page speeds

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Brian Krogsgard

From the Chromium blog, one of the more impressive performance improvements I've seen yet: Ideally every part of a user's interaction with a browser is fast, starting with loading web pages. Chrome is introducing two techniques called script streaming and…

Performance management and tooling

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard

I ran across two good resources for performance today, thanks to Chris Coyier, who has been on a performance tear of late. is a website with all sorts of performance resources linked. Seriously, there are a ton of them.…

How the new Wired is wired

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Brian Krogsgard

Wired has been around a long, long time. They just launched a major redesign and build of the website. Wired was already on WordPress, but they made major structural changes over the last couple of years and today's launch is…

A(nother) new era of WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard

Jeff Waugh is a prominent advocate worldwide of the open source ecosystem. In his latest article, he talks about the continued evolution of WordPress in a "new era", which is mostly stuff my audience should know about. But it's good…
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