
Design in (and with) WordPress.

Make your own WordPress admin themes

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Brian Krogsgard
As I noted in my feature post on WordPress 3.8, the new WordPress build tools (using Grunt) and the port of the admin CSS to Sass make it much easier for WordPress core to make new admin themes. Well, with…

The design of WordPress 3.8

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
Matt Thomas goes into detail on design considerations for MP6, which became the new look of WordPress in 3.8. Also, it's just so impressive how many people were involved in this project. Excellent wrap-up by Matt.

Meet WordPress 3.8, Parker

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Brian Krogsgard
WordPress 3.8, "Parker", has just been released. WordPress 3.8 is the result of four months of hard work by 188 core contributors. Named after Charlie Parker, jazz saxophonist and bepob innovator. WordPress 3.8's development was led by WordPress co-founder, Matt…

WordPress through the ages

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Brian Krogsgard
Jeff Matson has gathered up screenshots of every major design change of the WordPress admin and default themes on Inmotion Hosting's blog. It's fairly interesting to take a bird's eye view on the evolution of the visible aspects of WordPress.

What screens want

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
This is one of the most fun and thought provoking reads on design I've read in a really long time. Frank Chimero has put together what he calls "thoughts on digital canvases", and it's really worthwhile. If you do any…

Case study: building a front-end managed web app using WordPress

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Brian Krogsgard
The folks at Voltronik have put together a pretty interesting case study going over their processes and considerations for building a project management system for a client, managed on the front end, all with WordPress. The result is a Bootstrap…

Another take on redesigning the WordPress admin

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Brian Krogsgard
George Kordas has put together a tremendous effort on his concept for a new WordPress admin design. It's very, very pretty I think. I love seeing what people are coming up with. This skin, and the DevPress one, are fun…

DevPress releases new iteration of an alternative admin design

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Brian Krogsgard
Tung Do has released yet another iteration of a custom WordPress admin design at DevPress. I've seen Tung experiment with a black version, a white version, and a "Hunter" version. And now he's consolidating the previous three themes to one,…

Explicit browser support

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Brian Krogsgard
Browser support is not a minor thing to consider when building web projects. Whether developing a website for a client or building a product, one of the most important things to clarify right away is what level of browser support…

Partner spotlight: The Theme Foundry

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Brian Krogsgard
It was just over three months ago that I redesigned Post Status, re-focused the site's purpose, and partnered with The Theme Foundry. Today, I'd like to share that The Theme Foundry has opted to continue the relationship for another quarter.…

What fold?

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
It doesn't matter how many times we explain it, clients are still concerned with the fold. The fold does not exist on the web, especially when we do our jobs as web designers and developers. The fold is a print…

Tips for handling icon fonts

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Brian Krogsgard
Joen Asmussen is a designer for Automattic, and in addition to many things, he works on the Genericons project. In this post, he gives some great advice for using icon fonts in your projects. If you're doing client work or…

The WordPress mobile app is ready for iOS7

Photo of author
Brian Krogsgard
The WordPress Mobile team has been working hard to get the WordPress iOS app ready for iOS7, which is to be released today. Design was led by Hugo Baeta, but eight contributors took part in the design and development for…
A2 Hosting
Progress Planner is a proud sponsor of Post Status.