WordPress News

News and insights about WordPress and its ecosystem by Post Status staff and contributors for our members and the WordPress community.

Manage transients from the WordPress admin

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Brian Krogsgard
Pippin Williamson released a new plugin over the weekend called Transients Manager. You'll never guess what it does, but I'll go ahead and tell you: it lets you manage transients through the WordPress dashboard. The way this plugin works is…

Tips on providing efficient product support

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Brian Krogsgard
Steven Gliebe did a considerable amount of research when he realized he may be ready to hire support help for his theme shop, Church Themes. So, he asked others in the industry for advice. One of his primary takeaways was…

WooThemes is investigating alleged website vulnerabilities

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Brian Krogsgard
Some WooThemes customers are alleging that their credit cards suffered from fraudulent charges after purchasing items from WooThemes’ website. The point of vulnerability is unknown at this time. The number of affected customers is unknown. The following is what we know:…

WooThemes releases Bookings for WooCommerce

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Brian Krogsgard
WooThemes has been working on their Bookings extension for quite a while. They had the idea for Bookings before WooCommerce was WooCommerce, and had some form of the product even in December 2011. They wanted to make sure they did…

Why unlimited or lifetime product plans are sometimes good

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Brian Krogsgard
Syed Balkhi talks about product life cycles, churn, and marketing in his post about the psychology of unlimited or lifetime product pricing. At one point or another, you’ve probably wondered should I implement unlimited in my business? Is unlimited really…

Hyper-VVV on Windows

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Brian Krogsgard
Believe it or not, some WordPress developers code on Windows. This can cause problems with Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV) using VirtualBox if Hyper-V is also enabled. I've taken the time to implement a VVV setup on top of Hyper-V to reap…

Building the new WP Job Manager website

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Brian Krogsgard
Mike Jolley (lead developer of WooCommerce), builds the WP Job Manager plugin on the side. He's a wizard like that. The plugin is very slick, and has gained popularity consistently since its launch. There have been over 55,000 downloads to…

The cost of running a WordPress website

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Brian Krogsgard
A WordPress website is very affordable to get up and running. You can do it for free, plus the cost of your average shared hosting account. However, running a more serious site can get considerably more expensive. Here's the list…

The dangers of pricing in WordPress business models

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Brian Krogsgard
Tom McFarlin warns against the unsustainable practice of WordPress theme and plugin providers selling lifetime support. But although the amount of money that the business is making increases over a short time, there’s not a solid amount of cash flow.…

BackupBuddy Gold and unlimited updates

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Travis Northcutt
This week, the iThemes launched "BackupBuddy Gold" - a new pricing tier for their BackupBuddy plugin. They already had a $150 tier, which included a license to use the plugin on unlimited sites, as well as support and updates for one year.…

Results of the first WP-CLI user survey

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Travis Northcutt
Daniel Bachhuber has just published the results of the first WP-CLI user survey. The results should provide some guidance for Daniel and others working on the project, as they shed some light on how people are using WP-CLI, and perhaps some…

WP App Store has a new owner

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Travis Northcutt
Joining the slate of recent mergers and acquisitions in the WordPress world, Brad Touesnard announced today that he has sold WP App Store to Iain Poulson. Brad is responsible for the excellent WP Migrate DB Pro plugin, and as a result no longer had the…

Version 1 of the WordPress code reference is online

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Travis Northcutt
In case you missed it last Friday, Siobhan McKeown announced that version one of the new WordPress code reference is now live. The code reference provides for easy exploration of core functions, classes, methods, and hooks, as well as the…
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