Year: 2022

Post Status Notes #494

It’s your weekly roundup of news briefs for busy WordPress professionals! This week we have: Core concerns โ€ข New Releases โ€ข Events, Planning & Inclusion โ€ข and some Things we don’t see every day…

Don’t miss David‘s fresh podcast picks for the week! ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ As usual, Courtney has the week’s news from the people making WordPress at .org. ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

WooCommerce Function of the Week: wc_price

Calculator phone app

The wc_price function solves your WooCommerce price formatting problems. Using it means you can ignore the WooCommerce price settings.

When you work on WooCommerce customization in your plugin/code snippet, you often need to format a price in order to display it correctly on the front-end.

Unfortunately, this can get tricky: you need to get (from the store settings) the WooCommerce currency symbol, the number of decimals, the decimal separator, the suffix, and so on. “Rebuilding” the price format each time can be really time-consuming.

Developers; please meet wc_price.

This neat WooCommerce function can finally solve your price formatting nightmares and make you completely forget about the WooCommerce price settings: it’ll do the job for you.

As usual, we’ll take a look at practical examples; but first, let’s analyze the function code.

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What might’s pricing changes mean for the WordPress ecosystem?

Frustrated Man in White Shirt Using Macbook Pro

Do the pricing changes represent an opportunity for the WordPress product ecosystem, a blow to democratized publishing, or the beginning of a slow pivot in the service’s identity away from blogging to managed WordPress hosting?

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