Year: 2022

Exiting — and Reentry, Block Themes, GitHub Actions, and Assessing the Pandemic’s Impact on WordPress

The Post Status podcast picks of the week include two takes on selling businesses, going back to work for someone else, and then… Chris Coyier and Corey Maas tell their stories. • Daisy Olson has the lowdown on block themes. • Raquel Landefeld on the power of community. • Press the Issue launches a solidly journalistic WordPress podcast with Allie Nimmons investigating the pandemic’s impact on WordCamps for the first episode.

Feedback Requested: Proposed Rollback Feature in 6.1, Performance Team Hosting Stats, and Recording Five for the Future Contributions

Get the scoop on planning for the WordPress 6.1 release, and help test its proposed plugin Rollback feature. There are also many calls for feedback from the Performance team and Five for the Future.

Goodbye But Not Farewell

David Bisset

As many people already know, I am transitioning away from Post Status to focus on a new opportunity within the WordPress space. It should go without saying that I will be just as involved in the community as I’ve ever been. It’s important that there are stages where people can have the important conversations, and I firmly believe that Post Status will continue to be a fine home for the discussions (both positive and critical) that need to happen.

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