Year: 2022

WooCommerce Blocks 8.1, Joost on Shopify’s Decline, Insights from Beka Rice and Birgit Pauli-Haack

New enhancements to WooCommerce Blocks 8.1. • Joost’s report on CMS Market Share shows Woo growing — but Shopify has hit a wall. • Two “Voices of Experience,” Beka Rice and Birgit Pauli-Haack share long-term takes on WooCommerce, WordPress, and Gutenberg.

Our Door is Always Open

Coming soon: the Post Status Index, an EMEA Huddle requested by our European members, and my talk about the importance of taking time off. Also, our door is always open for members of Underrepresented in Tech and anyone who finds the cost of membership a barrier to joining us. If you work professionally in WordPress or want to, we want you here!

Join the Incident Response Team

The now-forming Incident Response Team (IRT) is a community-led effort to help us all build and sustain a culture around WordPress that is healthy, inclusive, and safe. Angela Jin is calling for your nominations for a diverse group of people who can contribute by serving on the IRT.

It’s Hard to COPE Without a WordPress Lite

It’s still far from simple to do well — let alone do better — what was first possible in the Web 1.0 era, even before WordPress was born. Thoughts on “WordPress Lite” and “Create Once, Publish Everywhere.”

WooCommerce Update: Blocks 8.0, Checkout Block Payment Method Guide and Dummy Gateway, Licensing Solutions, Future of Payments, and Carl meets Bōggie

It’s WooCommerce Blocks 8.0, and Woo 6.7’s final release is close. • A new guide with a tool to help you integrate payment methods with the Checkout Block. • What’s your preferred software licensing solution? • The Future of Payments, with David Mainayar and Robert Windisch. • When Carl met Bōggie.

WooCommerce Function of the Week: wc_get_endpoint_url

This week’s WooCommerce function is about endpoints. What’s an endpoint? Endpoints are “an extra part in the website URL that is detected to show different content when it’s present. For example: You may have a ‘My Account’ page shown at When the endpoint ‘edit-account’ is appended to this URL, making it ‘‘ then the Edit Account page is shown instead of the My Account page.” (Source: WooCommerce).

There are dozens of WooCommerce endpoints, especially for the Checkout and My Account page, as well as custom endpoints added by third-party WooCommerce plugins. It’s difficult to remember all the different URLs, so here comes wc_get_endpoint_url to the rescue.

As usual, in this article, we’ll study the WooCommerce core function code for wc_get_endpoint_url in this tutorial, see where and why it’s used, and finally, we’ll look at a brief case study. Enjoy!

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Post Status Comments (No. 12) — WordPress Lite

What if there was a “lite” version of WordPress that was still WordPress — still customizable under the hood but tuned up for a great user experience for particular use cases? For example — could a lite version be used to allow an admin to literally build an online store in minutes from a mobile device? How about just a note taking app with cool open web features? What if, what if, what if…!!!

Post Status Excerpt (No. 62) — The Open Web Universe with Matt Mullenweg

David and Olivia Bisset sat down for a chat with Matt Mullenweg about open source, Tumblr, and how Matt deals with negativity. Matt has three roles today: CEO of Tumblr, CEO of Automattic, and project lead for the next release of WordPress. He shares what went wrong with post formats and what he would love to acquire next if he could. The answer may (or may not) surprise you! Recorded shortly before WordCamp Europe 2022.

A Better REST API, Improving Developer Docs, Open Sourcing Theme Designs, WebP and multiple MIME type support for images

Do you want to see the REST API improved? Get the latest on improving DevHub (Developer Docs), image formats, and access to open-source Figma files.

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