Year: 2022

Putting it together, together

Today Cory took the lead on the Post Status newsletter release and joined Dan in co-authoring the introduction to it, which we usually share here. Some thoughts on newsletter integration, Newsletter Glue, Newspack, and the challenges facing plugin owners at in trying to determine the true size of their potential customer base.

The Decline of Speed Booster Pack

Speed Booster Pack

WordPress success stories are great, but this time, you’re going to read about a failure. It’s about the Speed Booster Pack plugin and the depressing, constant decline of its active installs.

A New Kind of Default Theme, the Performance Team Gets Its Own Site, and the Kim Parsell Memorial Scholarship Recipients

A new approach to creating the next default theme has been proposed. • Cache Audit and Site Health Checks • Full-Site Editing Program Calls for Testing Category Customization • Parsell Scholarship recipients announced.

Post Status Picks for the Week of July 18

Your Post Status Podcast Picks of the week include Seeking Satisfaction with Victor Ramirez on the importance of networking, managing anxiety, and rethinking the way websites are built. WP Coffee Talk features the woman with the best personal Wapuu, Michelle Frechette, talking with Mark Westguard, founder of the WS Form plugin about his work, the love and opportunity in the WordPress community, and more.

It’s not the size that matters…

Can WordPress’s heavy reliance on volunteerism be offset or better supported by those most able to subsidize the work of others and their access to events? Do the largest WordCamps serve well, in their current form, as signature industry events that developers, product owners, and investors outside WordPress can recognize as such? Can the upper, middle, and lower markets within the WordPress ecosystem find mutual benefit through the things they share in common?

Maddy Osman on Writing for Humans and Robots — Post Status Draft 119

Maddy Osmon on Humans and Robots

In this episode of Post Draft, Post Status Editor Dan Knauss is joined by Maddy Osman. Maddy is the founder of The Blogsmith, a well-known brand in the WordPress space for quality writing that appeals to your target audience and search engines. Maddy has a new book out that can teach you some of her finely-honed skills. It’s called Writing for Humans and Robots: The New Rules of Content Style.

Market Size and Market Shares: Thinking Bigger About the WordPress Economy

$635.5 billion…That’s “billion,” with a “B.” Let’s look at the size of the universe inhabited by our market of markets of cathedrals and bazaars: the WordPress ecosystem. How should we think about WordPress’s market share or, maybe more accurately, its shares? Are we selling them short and dampening growth?

WooCommerce 6.7, Release Cadence update, “If you could change one thing in Woo,” and Marius Vetrici is WooDev of the Week

This week WooCommerce 6.7 was released along with WooCommerce Blocks 7.8.3. Our good friend Rodolfo Melogli polled the Woo community for his 400th issue of WooWeekly: If you could change one thing in WooCommerce, what would it be?” Multidots shares a fascinating case study they have on both migration and multisite for And Marius Vetrici is the WooDev profile of the week. He’s been writing code since 1994 and has 10+ programming languages under his belt and 20+ years of experience. Despite (or because of?) that, he’s interested in low-code tools and refuses to buy shoes online. You’ve just got to try them on to get the perfect fit and feel of the shoe on the foot.

Post Status Picks for the Week of July 11

From WP Tavern’s Jukebox, it’s Felix Arntz on WordPress performance and what can be done now and in the future about it. Seeking Satisfaction has Tony Perez sharing his journey building, growing, and exiting Sucuri. The Shop Talk Show hosts a discussion about headless CMS platforms, including WordPress, and a little on WordPress and web components…

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